Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Another Placement Meeting

First just want to say DON'T GET YOUR HOPES UP!

Okay...really that was for me ;-)

The agency called today and we have another placement meeting with a birth mom. This one is different, it was a hospital intake. Meaning the birth mom gave birth and then the agency was contacted. The baby was born on 6/1/07, not sure of the due date but social worker said it was alittle early but not considered a preemie. At the time of birth he (yes, it is a boy!) was 4lb 14oz and healthy. He is now 6lb 150z and 18 inches long.

The birthmom chose another family but that match fell through. She has since chosen our profile and wants to meet with us. She is not under age and is originally from another state and moved here during her pregnancy. We have quite a bit of info on her and she has also provided some on the birth father, who does not want anything to do with this (he is in another state). The baby is at a foster home and the birth mom is visiting and has spent time with him. She knows though that adoption is the best choice for him.

So we are meeting with her next week on Wednesday afternoon. Here's the other thing, we are leaving for Canada on Thursday and we're suppose to be gone for over a week. Well guess what?! We are cutting our trip short, of course! If she likes us and we like her it would be an immediate placement, meaning we could be parents within 9 days, OMG!

We are trying hard not to get our hopes up. This could be the one or it might not be. However, I did have a dream a couple weeks ago that we got another call from the agency about an immediate placement. At the time I brushed it off thinking no way it will happen through the agency cause they have been so slow this year and that I only had the dream cause I want a baby so bad. Now I'm thinking it might have been sign from the guy upstairs. Maybe, just maybe it is. We will know next week.


Victoria said...

Praying for Peace and discernment this week!!!


Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and my fingers are crossed tightly!

Love ya,

Jenn said...

Hang in there Linda!!!