Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Another visit : )

We saw our son again tonight, it was a wonderful visit! We spent a couple hours there and it was just us and the foster mom. He was much more awake this time and I can already see his personality coming through. He is definitely going to be head strong and as I said before a talker. He is so strong already, he is lifting his head and looking around as well as standing up as you hold him. Those little legs will definitely make good hockey skater legs (Dan is on cloud 9 of course).

We have the doctors appointment tomorrow morning and then we will meet with the social worker and the birth mom to do the Cooperative Agreement (visits, pictures, contact, etc) in the afternoon. Placement will happen on Monday. The birth mom wants one last day with him on Sunday. At first I was bummed but then the more I thought about it and talked with others it really is a good thing for her to have this and besides we will have a lifetime with him so what's another day or two.

We did ask the foster mom if we could take him on Saturday for the day and she thought that was a great idea. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Oh Linda - I am beside myself with happiness for you and Dan!! Enjoy your special day tomorrow!