Monday, October 29, 2007

Almost back in the swing of things

Has it really been almost 2 weeks since last I posted?! Wow, time is going by fast and now that I'm back to work there isn't enough time for everything. We are frantically trying to get things ready for daycare and getting ready for the cold weather. We are almost there but still need to buy a winter coat for the little guy.

Last week was hard, it was my first full week back to work. I'm getting back into the swing of things but my brain still feels like mush LOL! I have heard rumors though that once you are a Mom you lose some of your smarts, oh no :(

This week is a short week for me at work, I'm taking my birthday (Nov 1st) and the 2nd off. Usually I dread my birthday but not this year it is special, my first one being a Mommy!!!! I had to explain to Dan the other day that he is going to have to help Briar with picking out a gift for me and card until he is old enough to do himself. Good thing I mentioned it cause it sure sounded like Dan had no idea this is how it works. Geesh, men!

We finally got the proofs of the photo session we had in September. The pictures are wonderful and Briar is so adorable! Not sure if I mentioned this but we went through Celebrating Adoption and found our photographer, she is in St. Micheal and did just a wonderful job! Here is a link to our slideshow, this link might only work until Nov 3rd so I will attach a couple of the photos (shhhhh, don't tell anyone).

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Back to work

It was my first day back to work today. All I could do was think about Briar and stare at the pictures of him I brought with me. UGH! My boss was so sweet she said I could leave at Noon if I wanted to. I probably should have but didn't. I wanted to give Dan his time with Briar and also I need to get use to being at work. I did leave about 30 minutes early though. When I got home I got a better reception from Roxie then Briar. I don't think he even knew I was gone all day :(

The day I'm truly dreading is Nov 5th when he starts daycare. That will be the hardest morning ever for me!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

We survived!

We got back from our trip last night around 8:30pm. It was so good to be home and sleep in our own beds! Briar was a good little traveler, he did better then we all expected him to. It wasn't until the trip back when he had a true meltdown and just needed to take more then a couple minute break from his car seat. We were about 3 hours from home and luckly only a few miles from a rest stop. We walk around outside for quite awhile, until it started to rain and then just hung out in the van for a bit. Those last 3 hours were pretty tough for the little guy, we did stop for dinner and let him stretch out on the booth beside us. As soon as were were about a mile from home he started to have another meltdown. His face lit up once he saw he was back in his house and out of his car seat. He was such a trooper!

I think my Mom and Dad should be Sainted for having endured 26 hours in the car with a 4 month old and new parents! They definitely have earned up enough bonus points to spoil their Grandson rotten for a couple years to come without Mom & Dad telling them no, LOL!!!

My Grandma's 90th birthday celebration was so much fun! I'm so glad we were able to make it down there, I know it meant the world to her. Briar fell in love with her right away (well after he had his diaper changed, we arrived with a poopy diaper and he wasn't to happy). He usually doesn't like to just hang out on your lap but he loved it with Great Grandma (see pics below). He was a big hit with everyone and there seemed to always be a line up for holding him. He did great with being around approx 50 people, I have a feeling he's going to be quite the little "ham" and attention getter. I can't wait!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Oye Vay!

It's almost 11:30PM and I think I'm done packing for our trip. I had to pack for both Briar, myself and get things ready for Roxie to go to Jill's and Ron's this weekend. OH MY! That is alot of work, UGH! And I'm sure I have forgotten something. By the time I am finally able to go to bed and get into a deep sleep Mr Briar will probably decide he needs to fuss. Well at least there are 4 adults to help drive tomorrow so hopefully I can nap. However I'm not a very good car napper. It's a curse of us people that always feel the need to be in control. Well I best sign off and get to bed cause 5am will be here before I know it. I so wish we had the money to fly but at $500 per person I just couldn't justify it.

Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother's house we go!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

One week left

I can't believe I only have one week left of staying at home with Briar. I go back on October 17th. Wow, did that time go by fast!!!! I've been a bit depressed the last two weeks in anticipation of going back to work but it will be good to be around adults again. I can't wait for Dan to have his 3 weeks with Briar, I just hope Briar isn't too attached to me and will be good for Daddy.

We did start him on rice cereal last week. Its' going pretty good so far. We are only giving it to him once a day so he can get use to it and will increase to twice a day in a few weeks. Here is a link to pictures of his first taste. Too cute!

We are taking our first official trip with Briar this weekend. And it is a big one, yikes! We are driving down to Oklahoma for my Grandma's 90th birthday. It's about 13 hour drive, oh boy. We will be going with my Mom and Dad in their minivan which should be a bit more comfortable. Briar does good in the car, usually falls asleep so hopefully he will do okay. We are stopping in Wichita on Friday night to stay with my Uncle and Aunt, that's only about 9 hours, then head down to OK on Saturday morning. However coming home on Monday it will be straight through. Wish us luck!!!

We decided not to take Roxie with us, that would just be way too much. So Ron and Jill have offered to doggie sit, thank goodness! I can't stand the idea of boarding her. Of course she needs to look her best for her weekend retreat so we got her hair cut the other day (usually I trim her at home) at Petsmart and when she came home she had bows in her hair. She didn't look too happy about it, she really isn't a girlie girl. Check it out:

Monday, October 01, 2007

4 months

I can't believe our little guy is 4 months old today! And that I only have 2 more weeks left of my leave :( I'm already starting to stress about going back to work. I'm going to miss him soooooo much! I don't know how I will get through it.

We had our 4 month check up and shots today. Briar is growing like a weed, check out his status from 2 months ago compare to now and the progress he has made for the percentile groups:

2 month ago
Height - 21 inches, 5 %
Weight - 10lbs 6 oz, 10-25 %
Head size - 38.4 cm, 25 %

4 months (today)
Height - 24 inches, 50-75%
Weight - 14 lbs, 25-50%
Head size - 41.5 cm, 25-50%

What really surprised me was his height, jumping from the 5th percentile to the 50th-75th percentile in only two months. This makes me think he is going to be a tall one! Only time will tell. We also got the green like to start with Rice Cereal if we wanted, I'm not sure yet.

He didn't do so well this time with the shots. He cried so hard and many, many tears came streaming down his face. We had to wait in the room for a bit before we could leave. All day he has been out of sort, cranky and only taking a few minute naps here and there. I feel so bad for him, just wish I could take his pain away. We gave him his bath earlier then normal and fed him and put him to bed before 8pm. I'm sure he will wake up mid way through the night, oh well.