We did start him on rice cereal last week. Its' going pretty good so far. We are only giving it to him once a day so he can get use to it and will increase to twice a day in a few weeks. Here is a link to pictures of his first taste. Too cute!
We are taking our first official trip with Briar this weekend. And it is a big one, yikes! We are driving down to Oklahoma for my Grandma's 90th birthday. It's about 13 hour drive, oh boy. We will be going with my Mom and Dad in their minivan which should be a bit more comfortable. Briar does good in the car, usually falls asleep so hopefully he will do okay. We are stopping in Wichita on Friday night to stay with my Uncle and Aunt, that's only about 9 hours, then head down to OK on Saturday morning. However coming home on Monday it will be straight through. Wish us luck!!!
We decided not to take Roxie with us, that would just be way too much. So Ron and Jill have offered to doggie sit, thank goodness! I can't stand the idea of boarding her. Of course she needs to look her best for her weekend retreat so we got her hair cut the other day (usually I trim her at home) at Petsmart and when she came home she had bows in her hair. She didn't look too happy about it, she really isn't a girlie girl. Check it out:

1 comment:
Oh my god. You are two very brave people - 13 hours in a car, with a baby?! Oh my. Good luck. I hope it goes well for all of you. We fly. Really, I hope it goes well for you. Briar was sure cute trying to figure out the rice cereal thing! (Evelyn just turned two today and seeing those photos reminded me of just how fast time flies!) Dan, enjoy your time with Briar, and Linda, it will be okay and you'll get into a routine that will feel natural. But 13 hours?! Can't wait to read the blog on that one...hehehehe.
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