Sunday, January 28, 2007

Little Miss do it herself

We picked up the crib and dresser yesterday. I couldn't wait to get the crib put together, so I attempted it myself this afternoon. Dan was taking a nap, he wasn't feeling good today, coming down with a cold. I was almost done by the time he woke up, he came into the room and said "things must be going well, I didn't hear any swearing". Hahaha....well he learned his lesson. I was obviously holding it in until he woke up. I was so tired and my fingers hurt from that stupid little allen wrench it came with. I had one piece left to go, I threw down the wrench and told him he could finish it. Of course he is such a sweetie and did it without giving me grief. We still haven't decided on the layout, need to work with that. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks we can get it painted and put together.

We received an email from N on Friday. She said that she would like to keep in contact with us, she still is unsure what to do but the final decision is up to her (not the birth father or her family). She had a doctors appt this week and everything looked good and found out it is a girl. She said she could email the ultrasounds pictures to us if we would like. UGH!!!! This is so hard, much harder then infertility treatments. How do I not get emotionally attached to this situation????

OT (off topic) - Just wanted to wish my cousin good luck tomorrow in the Miss America pageant! Go Miss Nebraska!!! (ssshhhhh don't tell Miss MN I'm not rooting for her) Good luck Molly!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Time to move on

We heard from N a couple days ago apologizing about Sunday. She mentioned that the birth father has changed his mind and wants her to keep the baby. She wasn't sure why he is changing his mind and she hadn't had time yet to talk to him more about it. I also got the feeling that she might not be ready to commit to an adoption plan.

We emailed her back and told her that we would give her space to let her work through discussions with the birth father and her family. And if she wanted to continue to chat with us she could.

So that is where we are at. Right now my gut is saying this is not the one, so emotionally I need to move on. We are going to start some more in depth outreach.

I had my annual appt today with my OB/GYN doc and gave her some of our cards, she said she would mention it to the other physicians in the office. Yay! What better place to do outreach then OB/GYN clinics! So we will probably take on the task of sending out letters around the twin cities to any OB/GYN clinics we can find an address for. That will definitely be an undertaking, but hopefully worth it.

On a happier note, we ordered crib bedding last week and it came the other day. It is so cute, cheery and neutral. Can't wait for the crib to get here so we can get the room painted and set up. Here are some pics of the bedding

Monday, January 15, 2007


Well I was hoping to have some good news to share, however we were not able to connect with "N" yesterday. We left her a voicemail and then tried again an hour later, someone answered and said she had to work. So we emailed her and gave her our 800# and told her to call us when she was available or send us a note back with another time to call her.

I have to say with all the infertility treatments we went through one of the good things that came from that was learning to be patient. Believe me, if you are not a patient person before infertility treatments/tests you are force to learn this virtue and fast. So we sit and wait. If it is meant to be it will be.

Patience is quiet hope and trust that things will turn out right. You wait without complaining. You are tolerant and accepting of difficulties and mistakes. You picture the end in the beginning and persevere to meet your goals. Patience is a commitment to the future.

Saturday, January 13, 2007


We heard back from "N" this week and she is open to a phone conversation. We thought we had better touch base with our social worker about the situation and get her feedback and input before we spoke with "N" on the phone.

Our social worker pointed out some things we hadn't thought about yet (I guess we were to excited to remember every thing we learned in our classes, oops).

She suggested that we either get in touch with an adoption lawyer before we meet face to face with "N" or recommended that we have her contact the agency. We had mentioned to "N" a couple times about the agency but it didn't appear she was ready for that step. However after we explained to "N" that there is some additional legal action that she would need to do and it would be easier for her if she was working with an agency she said she would think about it and that we could discuss it during our phone conversation.

We have a tentative phone call scheduled with her on Sunday afternoon, yay! It will be nice to hear her voice, to add another dimension to her besides the email. I hope we can sway her to contact the agency, not just for easy of the process but I truly want her to get the support she needs during this time of her life and so she has all the help she needs in this decision process, even if her decision is to parent this child.

Keep your fingers crossed that we will be able to connect with her on Sunday.

On a side note, my friend Kerri gave birth to their second child on Thursday, a baby girl. Congrats Kerri and Ryan! Welcome to this world Chloe!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Dreams do come true!

I'm so excited for a friend I have met through an online forum. She and her husband are going to the hospital today to take home their precious baby girl that they are adopting. I've been following her process from before they were picked to now. It's been a tense couple of days for her from the time the birth mom gave birth on Thursday to today, the anxiety on whether the birth mom would change her mind or not seemed almost unbearable, but she has made it through. They went to see the baby yesterday and made plans to take the baby home today. It is just so exciting to see others go through this and to see that dreams do come true.

Please God, let our dream come true as well!

Monday, January 01, 2007

I'm such a bad blogger!

Okay, so I'm not the best blogger but I promise for the new year I will post more. Its just that things have been super busy at work and with the holidays it was kind of crazy. And then of course I got a really bad cold, still trying to get rid of it.

Here we are, first day of 2007! I just know that this year is going to be memorable. Hopefully our child will find us and the business venture that Dan is involved in will soar!

Well onto the news that this blog was created for. We were contacted by a potential birth mom a couple weeks ago. She found our website and emailed us. We have sent a couple of emails back and forth. We want to respect her privacy so I'm not going to share all the details but will tell you she lives in MN and is due in June. Our next steps I think will be to talk with "N" on the phone and see how that goes. I'm not going to get my hopes up yet but it is rather exciting to have some action on the horizon.

Oh, I almost forgot. We ordered a crib and dresser this weekend, we are excited to get the nursery started. It will be a nice reminder that one day we will be parents.

Happy New Year!