Saturday, January 13, 2007


We heard back from "N" this week and she is open to a phone conversation. We thought we had better touch base with our social worker about the situation and get her feedback and input before we spoke with "N" on the phone.

Our social worker pointed out some things we hadn't thought about yet (I guess we were to excited to remember every thing we learned in our classes, oops).

She suggested that we either get in touch with an adoption lawyer before we meet face to face with "N" or recommended that we have her contact the agency. We had mentioned to "N" a couple times about the agency but it didn't appear she was ready for that step. However after we explained to "N" that there is some additional legal action that she would need to do and it would be easier for her if she was working with an agency she said she would think about it and that we could discuss it during our phone conversation.

We have a tentative phone call scheduled with her on Sunday afternoon, yay! It will be nice to hear her voice, to add another dimension to her besides the email. I hope we can sway her to contact the agency, not just for easy of the process but I truly want her to get the support she needs during this time of her life and so she has all the help she needs in this decision process, even if her decision is to parent this child.

Keep your fingers crossed that we will be able to connect with her on Sunday.

On a side note, my friend Kerri gave birth to their second child on Thursday, a baby girl. Congrats Kerri and Ryan! Welcome to this world Chloe!

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