Sunday, March 30, 2008

Pancakes didn't make the cut

Well we finally found the one food that Briar doesn't like, it's pancakes. Can you believe it?! I thought for sure he would like them since so far he has like everything we have given to him. I gave him a small piece this morning and he got this funny look on his face when he picked it up to put it in his mouth. Once he had it in his mouth he started to cry, big time, really tears and all. Mommy had to go in and fish it out. We tried one more time and same thing, he wasn't having any of it. I'm sure one day he will love them, once we are able to put some syrup on them ;-)

His top front left tooth has just cut through the surface, we can see a small bit of white. Let me tell you the last week has been touch and go with that one. He also has another ear infection, poor little guy! The doctor put him on a different med this time, since the last infection was only a few weeks ago and the doctor wasn't sure if it just never cleared up with the other med or not. Anyway, I wish the doctor would have told us about one of the side effects of this med, it turns his poop a rust/brick red color. Yes, yes....there was some freaking out going on at our house the first time we saw it. I just hope the ear infection clears up and hopefully on a short break from teething before next Sunday, his baptism.

Do you want to know something?
Come closer....
Look no boogers!
He, he, he!

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