I've heard from several friends and family members about my lack of posting. I'm sorry I haven't posted in forever. Really I am a bit embarrassed about it. It's just that time goes so fast now with a little one. And really I'd prefer to spend quality time with Briar then post on my blog ;-)
However with that said we all know that Briar can't be awake 24/7 so there is down time when I can take a few minutes to provide updates on here. So I am going to try my best to get back in the habit. Really, I will try!
There is so much to update on!
First, the holidays where wonderful!!! It was everything we expected and more. It was not your typical first Christmas either. We invited IB to both Christmas eve and day. The family that she does have here in MN has not been very kind to her since she decided to follow through on the adoption plans with Briar, so we invited her since we did not want her to spend Christmas alone. My family was finally able to meet her on Christmas day, which I think went pretty good.
Briar started eating meats in January and LOVES them! I have also started to make most of his food (meats and veggies). It is so simple and easy! I have a great recipe book,
Top 100 Baby Purees , both Dan and I are pretty jealous at how good his food tastes LOL! Here are some pictures of Briar from
Dan's birthday was on February 5th. Unfortunately we all were recovering from a cold. Briar was the first to get and then Daddy and Mommy. We did have to take Briar in and turned out he had just the start of Pneumonia, we caught it right at the beginning. Briar and I were able though to make Daddy a birthday cake, which Daddy gobbled up! Here are some
Then a couple days later we all ended up with the Flu. That was so difficult, both Dan and I were out of commission (this was the both ends Flu, UGH!). Thank goodness it was on a Saturday when it started, I call Ron and Lance over to help watch Briar. Thankfully Briar didn't have it as bad as us, he wasn't vomiting. I think being on the antibiotic for the Pneumonia helped protected him. I was so thankful to Ron and Lance for coming to help us. Unfortunately Ron ended up getting the same Flu the next day :( I felt pretty bad about that.
In the midst of all the sicknesses Briar's first tooth came in! His bottom front. I tried to take some
pictures of it, look closely and you will see it! Both of his bottom front are now in and the doctor said he is working on his top front.
Briar had his 9 month check up a couple weeks ago. 9 months!!! Can you believe it? He is getting to be a little boy! He weighed 19 lbs and was 28 inches. So he is tall and skinny for his age group. The doctor said everything looks great!
He hasn't started crawling yet, we are working on that but he will soon enough. He loves standing and would prefer that to sitting or laying down, of course with our help. He has said Dada, Daddy and Hi, but not sure if he realizes what he is actually saying just yet. Every week day I can't wait to go pick him up from daycare. He is the light of my life! I can't get enough of hugging him up!
I think the next few months are going to go by very quickly. First we have Easter and then we have Briar's baptism on April 6th. We are also finishing our basement, just started last week so that will keep us occupied for the next few months. And then before we know it it will be June 1st and Briar's 1st birthday! Wow!
A side note on the basement. I received a nice bonus this year and we thought about putting it towards our next adoption, going in "The Book" this summer but decided we had better start to finish the basement first since we will definitely need the room if we had 2 little ones. I'm alittle sad that we will need to wait a bit longer to pursue adoption again but it will be worth it to have the extra space. When the time is right God will find a way for us to have the money for our next adoption, I have faith!
Isn't this the cutest boy you have ever seen?!?!