Monday, August 13, 2007

Time Flies!

We are entering our 4th week with Mr Briar being a part of our family. Wow! He has changed and grown so much since that first week, every day he seems to be a bit heavier or maybe Mom's arms are getting tired (LOL!). I definitely need to start back up on the Total Gym soon.

I know everyone has been waiting anxiously for an update on the Consent papers, they have not been signed yet. Briar's birthmom (I'll use "IB" to refer to her) did try to get it scheduled last week, however Raechel was so busy and out of the office on Thursday and Friday. I'm hoping it will be this week, but we have been instructed by Raechel not to pressure IB. Which we really weren't we just asked the other week her thoughts on it and she has been ready to sign since the 2nd week. Anyway, I'll just wait for the call from Raechel saying they have been signed and will not ask IB as to status.

This week we are touring daycare centers. I have 2 already set up for Thursday and waiting for the 3rd to call us back. I really want to check out this 3rd one since our social worker takes her son there so I'm thinking it must be pretty good. I do wish though that I could be a stay at home mom (SAHM) but that won't happen unless we win the lottery or I can find a part time work from home job that pays at least half my salary. We knew that would be the case when we bought our new home last year but now that it is a reality that we have alittle one it's going to be hard to go back to work :(

Briar is doing much better with his gas issue and colic. He only has about 2 hour episodes around 7pm each night of colic, has gone down from about 4 hours. The new formula and bottles have cut down on the gas (still has alot but not severe), however can you say peeuuww and eeuuww for the poops he is now having on this formula. These usually happen when Dan is at work, lucky Daddy! The other week we bought some gas drops and have used only a couple of times so far, seems to help. I did buy some Gripe Water and a book on Baby Massage yesterday, so hopefully one or both will help with the colic.

Here are some pictures from last week.
Wild Hair Morning
Spa Time!
I'm sooooo happy!
Yes girls that is a dimple!
Aaahhhhh, Roxie's found a friend

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