Thursday, June 14, 2007

Not Alone

I'm so glad we went to the presentation the other night. It was a relief to know that what we are feeling is normal and okay. It is okay for us to be down/depressed and to have some anger during this adoption process. And to understand that we don't have control over the situation no matter how much we think we do, we don't. It was also comforting to know that there are others feeling the same way both in the domestic and international programs.

After the presentation we stayed for the support group that they have every month for waiting families. It's amazing how many share the same thoughts and experiences. It was funny to actually hear some people in the international program have been told by family/friends that maybe they should go with Domestic adoption (due to their wait time), cause we have heard the same thing that maybe we should try International. Both types of adoption has it pros and cons. And we found out that we were not alone with having almost had a match. One couple received a call that they had a match and then three days later the birthmom gave birth early and decided to parent. Another couple had found a birthmom outside of the agency but decided after a couple months (before birth) not to pursue the adoption due to alcohol/drug use by the birthmom. We all had similar feelings of hope, sadness and now hesitation at the next match possibility.

On a positive note, one of my friends from my on-line forum received their referral from Ethiopia yesterday. It is for a sibling group, a boy and girl. I'm just so happy for her and her family! When I read her news I couldn't stop crying I was so overwhelmed with joy for her. And am getting all teary eyed right now typing this. Congrats Angie!!!!!

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