Friday, May 04, 2007

Happy Dance!

The social worker called around 5:30pm to let us know that it is unoffical that "K" wants us to parent her baby!!! The only reason why it is not offical is because "K" wants to ask us in person, OMG how sweet is that! So next week Rachel (social worker) and "K" will come over to our house so we can all get to know each other better without the Dad and "step in mom" and for her to ask us. I know I will cry. Then afterwards we are to go out to dinner with everyone, including Dad and "step in mom". Rachel will call us on Monday to let us know what night works best for them. We of course said anytime works, we will drop everything for this!

We are in shock! We have made a few phone calls to let people know and slowly as we make the calls the more excited we are getting. It is just such a perfect match and situation.

It has been 1219 days since we have tried to become parents,
315 days since we decided to adopt,
170 days since waiting on a match and,
75 days until we realize our dream of becoming parents!!!


KRISTI said...

I'm going to congratulate you everywhere I "know" you. This is a wonderful time so enjoy every second of it. You are making me relive our call and our meeting with the birthmother. Congratulations!!!!

Victoria said...

Dan and Linda,

Praise God for this! I will br praying for your time with K between now and July. I just have one little suggested modification on your numbers though...whether you want to count last night or next week when she officially asks you, I would consider that the day you officially become parents:)


Anonymous said...

Wonderful! Amazing! Great! Absolutely fabulous! We are so excited for you!

Stephanie and Mike

Unknown said...

Dan and Linda,

I am so happy for you and everyone involved in the journey! Continued blessings to you and all who share in this happy moment!


Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you two!! And "K," she is making the right choice!!

I am so happy for that baby, too. He will be so loved!!

Thank you so much for sending out the update!!

Kristen Hall

Jill said...

Dan & Linda,
Congrats!! I'm so happy for you guys! You are going to be amazing parents. Timing is everything! Prayers have been answered. I can't wait to get out and do some baby shoping with Linda!!! This time we'll actually be able to look for things that aren't green, yellow and orange!!

Congrats again!