Monday, February 05, 2007

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Dan, happy birthday to you!

Well, not so much. Unfortunately I have a bit of the flu bug, yuck :( Woke up in the middle of night and was sick. We were suppose to go out to dinner to his favorite place tonight, Famous Dave's, which he usually only gets once a year cuz I'm not a big fan, now he stuck with leftovers or whatever he can find. Poor guy. However I did make him a yummy birthday cake yesterday, which he says is the best chocolate cake he has ever had (yes, he knows how to get me to bake for him again. Smart man.)

I can't wait to give him his gifts. Got him the basics; shirt, book and $$$ for a tech toy. I also wanted to find a baby shirt, sleeper, or whatever that had "I love Daddy" on it. Wasn't able to find anything generic in color or style so I ended up getting a Bib and burp cloth in blue tones that has "I love my Daddy". It's the thought that counts, right?! Sure hope we get to use it soon :)

No updates on the adoption front.

It was -18 Fahrenheit this morning. And yes, that is a minus. Burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, why are we living in MN???

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